Im chasing my dreams, you should do it to! It wasn't long before I realized the only way I can find absolute true happiness was by chasing and having faith that I would make my dreams a reality. There is nothing wrong with chasing your dreams. The way I see it, at least you'll have fun in the process or go out doing something that you wanted to do all along. And when you try, you'll notice doors open for you to reach your dream.

On the road to.........A DREAM

I can proudly say that I am on the road to my dream. Although I am sure there is more that I can do, I never make excuses for me not to be chasing my dreams. In my eyes the only failures are the quitters. I dont want to work at a job putting in hard work my whole life, for something I know I really dont want to do, especially when something else is on my mind. Im not saying that you shouldnt do another job period, because it might just take the extra money or what ever blueprint you have layed out to get to your dream. Im just saying dont be afraid to do so. And don't let the negativity get into your system. ITS OK TO CHASE YOUR DREAMS

The Road Is never EASY!

While hoping that chasing your dreams will seem like an easier route for you in your life, you should know that great things never come that easy. Without a doubt, you will be put to the test. Your limits will be met and while frustration and perhaps restlessness meets with you, it will be up to you to elevate past them. How bad do you really want it? How hard and how far will you go to make ends meet? What would your dream be without the hard work and dedication you put into it to make it a reality? Questions you should always ask yourself.

Friday, February 27, 2009


Here is your chance to be heard
. Please give me your opinion on chasing dreams or for that matter just living life. I can learn from you the same as you can learn from me. Understanding and listening are key aspects into becoming a better person. Don't be shy, and yet again please speak your mind. Voice your thoughts here where they will be heard and acknowledged!!!...

1 comment:

  1. "...If not ima chase my dreams." I think I could die happy chasing my dreams even if they arent accomplished. Alot of people these days are programmed to follow the things that are "more realistic". Thats BULLSHIT!!!! whatever you wanna be well someone has to be able to do that y cant it be u. Like us we wanna git into music. Some ppl call that unrealistic but y? There are lots of famous music artists. Y cant we be amongst them. I think ppl say be realistic because they fail to chase their dreams and they want to bring others down. Im not lettin anybody bring me down and im never givin up and ima always chase my dreams. Even wen my heart stops and my brain doesnt work my spirit will still be goin forward. all my ideas and ideals will live on because there is only one thing i would ever give up on and that is the idea of failure.
